Tuesday, 16 January 2007

feeling less than .....

less than! psychologically profound - but we can find anything in inkspots right, so what about simple mathematical diagrams ........
there's the dog with bone on the right.
so guess where I feel like I fit?


Meg Moran said...

I think we all have days (nights mostly for me) when we feel "less than"...that's when I like to reflect back on my little victories...like when you opened your clendar from last year and saw how far you've come. It's a journey, and a good one. We just keep trudging the road. There's a site called http://soberblogs.gotop100.com/ that you should go to and sign up your blog. It will get you connected to some of us. We do this deal together. It helps.

matthew said...

thanks Meg. I like what you said. And thanks for inviting me to that other site. Will do it!